OpenStack Swift源码导读之——可插拔的后端设备实现

新浪微博 QQ空间




/swift/swift/obj/server.py文件定义了REST API,在各个API中有访问DiskFile的流程,其实也就是对DiskFile需要提供的接口的要求。那么只要新的DiskFile实现各个API中需要的接口即可。这样接口其实是固定的。OpenStack的官方文档给出了接口的详细描述:Back-end API for Object Server REST APIs。新的设备如何接入?怎样被业务访问到呢?是不是整个obj目录要整体替换掉,那样显得很笨拙,有很多代码是可以共用,就像刚才提到的REST API这一部分是固定的,完全可以保留。但是从下面的代码来看:

class ObjectController(object):


def setup(self, conf): 
    Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end 
    by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify 
    existing attributes or add its own attributes. 

    :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter 

    # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object 
    # servers. 
    self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger) 
    # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore 
    # is shared by all workers. 
    if 'replication_semaphore' in conf: 
        # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste 
        self.replication_semaphore = conf['replication_semaphore'][0] 
        self.replication_semaphore = None 
    self.replication_failure_threshold = int( 
        conf.get('replication_failure_threshold') or 100) 
    self.replication_failure_ratio = float( 
        conf.get('replication_failure_ratio') or 1.0) 

def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj, 
    Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given 
    REST API. 

    An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different 
    DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that 
    return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile( 
        device, partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs)

从上面加粗的diskfile_mgr成员来看,似乎server类与diskfile耦合了,绑定在一起了。但是再看,也只有这两处涉及到了具体的Diskfile相关类的对象的生成。只要能够向server的ObjectController类中“注入”自定义的Diskfile Manager等类的对象即可。很自然的就想到了开放出setup接口,提供一个类似于setdiskfile(SpecialDiskfileMgr diskfilemgr)的接口,这样其实破坏了封装性,不是面向对象的实现。并且,ObjectController是框架生成的,不易于获取到其运行时的实例。考虑另外一种思路,就是继承server中的ObjectController,实现一个新的ObjectController,这个ObjectController只需要重写setup方法即可。如果有必要,将get_diskfile也重写一下,如果接口定义得足够优雅,那么只需要前者。运行时,将新的ObjectController注册到WSGI框架中即可。正好WSGI框架是通过配置来指定具体的server类的。因此只需要修改配置即可同时支持多种不同的后端。




class ObjectController(server.ObjectController):
    Implements the WSGI application for the Swift In-Memory Object Server.

    def setup(self, conf):
        Nothing specific to do for the in-memory version.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter
        self._filesystem = InMemoryFileSystem()

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,
        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given
        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different
        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that
        return self._filesystem.get_diskfile(account, container, obj, **kwargs)


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